City of Burbank
Media Industry Expo and Job Fair

The City of Burbank proudly presents the first Media Industry Expo and Job Fair,
a groundbreaking event designed to give you the knowledge and tools
needed for a career in the media industry.

Thursday, August 1, 2024
12:00 – 4:00 pm
Woodbury University

Hosted by Woodbury University and Burbank Public Library


Connect with the Pros: Engage directly with industry professionals who are eager to share their insights and experiences.

Polish Your Profile: Take advantage of on-site resume and portfolio reviews to perfect your presentation with feedback from seasoned experts.

Networking Corner: Mingle with industry insiders and aspiring media talents in our dedicated Networking Corner, designed to foster meaningful connections.

Expert-Led Panels: Immerse yourself in captivating panels led by industry leaders, covering the latest trends, challenges, and future directions in media.

Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to break into the media industry, don’t miss this chance to equip yourself with the resources and connections you need to succeed.


Contact Job Connect staff, the job resource center available through Burbank Public Library, at or call (818)238-5580.